Tips for Students to Protect Data Privacy

Insecurities exist everywhere. Even on those people who seem to have an overwhelming well of confidence. The thing is that even when you are on the internet or storing media on your phone, you are susceptible to hacking. It doesn’t matter if you have an iPhone or the latest Huawei in town. With that said, it is time to take matters into your hand. If you are a student at a particular institution or university, there are tips that you should never miss so that you can achieve the privacy you have been craving for.… Read more “Tips for Students to Protect Data Privacy”

What Is Online Privacy, and Why Does It Matter?

Also known as digital privacy, online privacy refers to the protection of your personal information (whether financial, personal, or simply your browsing information) whenever you are online. As the age of technology has boomed over the years, the protection of information has become a growing need. And this issue cuts across the board; from multinational companies to individuals working at home or simply browsing the internet. The gap that is cybersecurity is becoming wider every day, and certain companies have seen it as their mandate to fill in. Such a company is Ethyca. The New York-based company has been at the forefront of data privacy and security. Due to the gap in regulation, Ethyca focuses more on the building of tools through code and design, helping users and businesses feel safer whenever they log in to the internet. The company recognizes the importance of online privacy, and so should you. To give you a better picture of how significant it is, continue reading. Why is online privacy so important?    … Read more “What Is Online Privacy, and Why Does It Matter?”